Friday, February 4, 2011

My Expectations for ICS3U.

The thing that motivated me to take this class was that I need this class if I want to accomplish my career goals.  I was motivated to take this class because I believed it would be essential if I wanted to become a computer programmer and work for companies that specialized in created computer programs, and computer based programs.  I was motivated to take this class because I took the grade 10 class the previous semester and I enjoyed being able to write my own code to make an application.  These reasons motivate me to take the Grade 11 Computer Science course.

This course helps me reach my career goals because I want to be able to work for the Apple Company in California one day.  What I want to do there is be able to be part of a team of programmers or designers who are able to create amazing Apple products.  So maybe I would be able to help program a new operating system or create a new editing software, something like Photoshop or iMovie.  With the help of this course I can get an introduction into the world of programming and it will help me get a head start on programming.  This course can also help me with Java to create my own games, so I will be able to design them, and also right the code for these games.  This is how this course will help me with my career goals.

From this course I expect to learn the coding language to JAVA.  Also I expect to learn how to create games, websites, and simple applications from this course through JAVA.  What I am excited to learn is how to create applications with JAVA and then use that information to maybe create a website or a game.  I also expect to learn the job opportunities that computer programming opens up for students and people looking for a career with programming.  These are the thing that I expect to learn from this course.

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